Monday, August 25, 2008

Making my feet happy

I'm making socks.

My impetus for making the socks are a pair of Birkenstock sandals. I figure that by the time I finish them, all sandals will be on sale because fall will be in full swing. I like shoes. I already probably have too many but that's okay. I like to make my feet happy.

I'm beginning to understand why people like knitting things for children. The projects are smaller and quicker. Of course, since I don't have children I don't have the distractions of children. I'm distracted by other things, like the need to exercise, or work, both my 9-5 job and my committee work. I'm starting to despise meetings. I'm developing a mantra for when people ask me to be on committees: "Thank you for thinking of me but I am overextended right now."

1 comment:

White Hot Magik said...

I joined something new last night and then today I am thinking, do I really have time, because the volunteer stuff with school hasn't started, nor soccer and I am already busy. I love your mantra and will borrow it.