Monday, August 28, 2006

Happy 100

Wow. I have made 100 posts since April 2nd. That's almost 20 posts per month. I'm not sure how much time that's consumed (I'm guessing not much since I really whip these out, but in a thoughtful sort of way).

I suppose I subconsciously celebrated this weekend by buying some bookshelves. I was thrilled since A). I got to go to Target and B). It's been many, many years since I have moved and re-moved (and removed myself from a relationship) and it feels wonderful to be with someone who understands why I love books and is open to having a lot around. We carted 5 boxes from my parent's house to ours, including many of the books from my childhood. My next big step is removing the wallpaper in the living room and painting. I'll have to post a picture of what the room looks like. It includes brown panel wainscoting and seizure inducing wallpaper. The paper portrays birds, fruits and leaves, in shades of brown, yellow and blue.

I'm back from the abyss. So making plans on the house and celebrating that the blog still has a pulse are good things.

1 comment:

CBK said...

Congratulations on post 100!

And get rid of that wall decor as soon as you get a picture of it for us. Ugh!